This is a book that has been sitting on my shelf for years and now was finally the time to read it, I guess. It was written by Benazir Bhutto a former prime minister--democratically elected--in Pakistan. She finished this book right before she was assassinated after recently returning to Pakistan from exile. The book though is not so much about her as instead about Islam and how Democracy is in line with Islamic truths. This relationship between the two has been corrupted over the years but local authoritarian leaders along with just the history of Islam becoming more men focused leadership. She had plenty of ideas for improving her country and the other Islamic countries but unfortunately her death seems to have ended many of these. She could have been a moderating voice so needed back in the 2000s to 2010s but it was a hard sell with the US in Afghanistan and Iraq. A good read to learn more about Islam for a moderate voice.
There were no copies in PBS system so I have posted it, not sure if will get requested or not but figure a good one to pass along.