Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Trust--#92 finished

 This is a book written by Pete Buttigieg about the title--Trust especially in issues, reporting and government.  He wrote this it sounds like right after he dropped out of the primary race for the Democratic nomination.  It was published right before the election.  So talking about trust but with readers knowing how the election went and then Jan 6th, it just seems like there is no trust with at least half of our country.  Was interested in reading book since Pete is in Biden's cabinet as Transportation Secretary but again since was written before election, that appointment was also after this book.  The points in the book are okay but with this next election weeks away, don't think there is much to the "trust" right now.  We are in a sad state in politics.

There are also 6 WL for this book on PBS so will post & mail off at some point.

Grover Cleveland--#91 finished

 This is a book that has been on my shelf for quite a few years.  Finally figured this was the time to read it since DJT is trying to do what only Grover Cleveland has done in our US history--become a 2 term President in non-consecutive terms.  I didn't know/remember much about Grover Cleveland before this so was an interesting read for the good stuff of history.  I chuckled a few times when it was talked about how terrible the Presidential campaign was with the mud slinging and personal attacks--made me think there was more similar to today's contest.  A lot to read about tariffs, silver vs gold standard and then the several main people involved.  Grover Cleveland sounds like a really good President that wasn't afraid to take a stand even if it wasn't in his self interest.  Just a good and interesting read.

There have been 4 WL for this book for probably as many years as it has been on my shelf.  I kind of want to keep it but also think there are people out there that want to read it too.  Not sure yet what to do, but do have enough credits on PBS & a bunch of books I can post for more so don't have to decide right away.

How to Catch a Russian Spy--#90 finished

 A true story about a young man out of college & recently married that wanted to get into a military intelligence position.  He had applied but didn't show enough experience--he was into computers and had changed to work and take over his parent's business of providing books and reports the businesses and individuals.  These are hard to find or get type things.  There had been Russians coming into the business for several years and his parents were providing the FBI with the lists of things the Russians were requesting and were filled out for them.  The author met with the FBI on this & wanted to see if he could do more.  He approached and basically offered up additional services to the Russian.  He developed over time the relationship with the spy and then before the Russian was to be transferred, the FBI stepped in and did a fake arrest of the US man--to show the Russians he was a burned asset.  He was basically working as a double agent.  Interesting read about how FBI operates and also how the Russian spy did as well. 

There are I think 6 WL for this book on PBS so I will probably post & mail off at some point.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Where I Come From--#89 finished

 This is a compilation of previous articles written for Southern Living by author Rick Bragg.  He grew up in small town Alabama and lived in various places but Florida and especially New Orleans also play big roles in these stories.  They are mostly short 2 page entries that are fun to read.  Nothing earth shattering but a nice read about his life and what he is thinking with some humor mixed in.

There are 13 WL for this book on PBS so I will probably post & send off at some point.

Spring Came on Forever--#88 finished

 This is an older book, wrote in 1930s by Nebraska author Bess Streeter Aldrich.  A good story about a young couple that have fallen in love in the time right after the Civil War but are soon separated.  Her family is Lutheran and is moving from IL to NE to establish farms where their group wouldn't be so spread out.  Her mother has passed and it is just her father & a younger brother--her father has already promised her to an older man in their Lutheran group.  The young man that has fallen for her tries to jump ahead and reach her group in NE before they setout for their farms and she is married.  He just misses her by a day.  The book follows them both on the life they lead and then the lives of their children and grandchildren.  A good read about the two lives in the new & growing state of NE.  Enjoyable but wouldn't say great.  Glad to have finally read one of the author's books since she is a renown NE author.

This is a keeper book for me like most NE authors.