Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Grover Cleveland--#91 finished

 This is a book that has been on my shelf for quite a few years.  Finally figured this was the time to read it since DJT is trying to do what only Grover Cleveland has done in our US history--become a 2 term President in non-consecutive terms.  I didn't know/remember much about Grover Cleveland before this so was an interesting read for the good stuff of history.  I chuckled a few times when it was talked about how terrible the Presidential campaign was with the mud slinging and personal attacks--made me think there was more similar to today's contest.  A lot to read about tariffs, silver vs gold standard and then the several main people involved.  Grover Cleveland sounds like a really good President that wasn't afraid to take a stand even if it wasn't in his self interest.  Just a good and interesting read.

There have been 4 WL for this book for probably as many years as it has been on my shelf.  I kind of want to keep it but also think there are people out there that want to read it too.  Not sure yet what to do, but do have enough credits on PBS & a bunch of books I can post for more so don't have to decide right away.

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