Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Profiteers--#74 finished

 The rest of the title is: Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World.  This is a really interesting read mostly about the business but obviously some about the Bechtel family.  A leading construction and into a little of everything company.  The founder's big step up to the big time was being of the leading contractors on building the Hoover Dam.  From there they went into helping the WWII war effort building ships.  The company took on projects of every sort--pipe lines, roads, nuclear, transit, etc.  The company went big internationally as well.  This is a privately owned company still today that does huge amount of business in US and outside the US in areas of interest.  The book really delves into this relationship between people in the company that move to big decision making positions in government and then when that admin changes they come back to the company and seemingly others in company join the new admin.  The way the author explains the Reagan presidency and the Iran Contra Affair and Iraq-gate is probably the best I have read--don't quiz me on it because is confusing and would have to go back and read again but I remember understanding and like a light bulb coming on when I read it.  A really good read and one that really makes you think about the whole military industrial complex--while maybe not making the bombs this company making the factories, the nuclear material, etc to get these done.  This family has become super rich from us taxpayers.  Not saying they haven't done good work but certainly see many times their business interests trump us needs or wants.

I got this book from PBS but it is a keeper for now.  Have some friends that might be interested in reading. 

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