Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Color of Law--#50 finished

 A powerful book that was incredibly researched about the segregation in America concerning redlining and home ownership.  Looks at how at the federal level mortgage loans would not be secured by the federal government if a mixed race neighborhood and also in African American neighborhoods would not secure the loans either.  I had read the book Ghetto a few months ago--maybe a year, can't remember--and talked about ghettos in America and was sort of left wondering how they got there.  This book goes into the details of how the ghettos were basically the only option for African Americans in most cities.  These neighborhoods with 80-90% one race are still with us today.  A really sad history in our country and certainly part of the root race problem we have today with poor neighborhoods that also make poor schools as well as still fear of other races.  As I said a very powerful book, one of those that I will have to take some time yet to reflect on what I have read.

There are 56 WL for this book.  Not sure if I will mail off or maybe offer out to friends yet but need to make sure more people read this book.

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