Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Metzger's Dog--#49 finished

 This is the 2nd novel that Thomas Perry wrote, it is from 1983.  Obviously a different time, a sort of fun ride back in time.  A group of basically small time crooks breaks into a university research area and steals cocaine there for research and while in act the leader sees a guy that looks important so he searches the professor's office that the guy was meeting.  He steals a lock box.  On way out of parking lot a security guard tries to stop them & they blow up the security shed with a cannon attached to their van--security guard not hurt.  The lock box was research CIA was doing with professor about causing disruptions in areas to better control the people.  This becomes a CIA issue on that side and the small time group figuring out what they have and how to get paid for it.  Some good back & forth stuff and some inner workings of crazies in CIA too.  A good read overall.

It is an older beaten up cover paperback.  I did get it from PBS and will go ahead and post back on PBS but isn't great shape on the cover.  It will be the only copy in system and author is still popular so could get moved at some point.

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