Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Rule of Benedict--#48

 This is one that has been sitting on my shelf for a long time--maybe close to 15 years--since around 2009.  I almost didn't read it and was thinking of donating away at several points.  I am really glad that I did take the time and read it.  A really good history of Cardinal Ratzinger before he was cardinal and then pope.  Also a lot of good information about Pope John Paul II and his papacy as well.  Cardinal Ratzinger did not come off looking good in this book, he really was an attack dog sort for the pope.  The book was written around 1 year into Pope Benedict's papacy so really not much other that what was happening at the start in this book.  I was impressed with the research as well as the quotes from sources in this book.  A really eye opening book about the Catholic church.

I was tempted to put this book on a keeper shelf because it does have such good information but figured I very unlikely I would ever get back around to reading again so I have posted it on PBS.  It is the only copy in system but since not exactly timely not sure if it will move anytime soon.

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