Friday, May 3, 2024

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings--#41 finished

 This is counting as one of my classic books read--I am trying in read more classics this year.  It is a really good read about Maya Angelou's early life.  Growing up in segregated small town Arkansas, a short time in St Louis where she was raped at a very young age, back to Arkansas and then high school years in California mostly with her mother with one horrifying experience with her dad.  Life in the '30s & '40s in the South was tough but especially so for African Americans.  Even though I have read other books, what you read here is eye opening and at times very tough to read--most people she grew up with have died by now and trying to imagine their lives is really tough.  This book was on some banned book lists and that is just sad, we as a people should not be afraid of our history, these tough parts of history should inspire us to do better.

This is a keeper for me so will be staying on a bookshelf until hopefully one of my kids will want to read it.

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