Saturday, September 28, 2024

The High Notes--#87 finished

 I hadn't read a book by Danielle Steel before so when I saw this one offered as part of a deal on PBS I figured why not give it a try.  Danielle Steel has a ton of books out there and has been writing for decades so maybe my expectations were a little too high.  I really am disappointed in this book.  Characters were simple two dimensional, you knew who was bad and who was good in about 2 sentences.  While the main character struggled, she was almost like in a fairy tale where in the end she was going to be uber successful and marry the prince and she did.  This book also seemed like it was caught between maybe the 1970s or 80s--a simpler time with no cell phones or internet and the modern today world--book was published 2022.  I am guessing the idea for this book was maybe outlined decades before but was just written now.  Overall just a disappointing book.

There were 9 WL for this book but I didn't really want it around so I have posted it & should be getting mailed off in next couple of days.

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