Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Turret Room--#83 finished

 This is an older book from the 1960s, a sort of mystery/thriller book.  I am not considering it a classic but still a fun read.  It is one of those older pocket paperbacks and I had a bookmark that I kept skipping over because it was small and I have been on a run of hardback books or larger sized paperbacks.  I needed a smaller book and this is one that I had.  I had gotten it as the 2nd book from PBS--when someone posted a book to me I always checkout their bookshelf to get another book if possible and this was it a few months or maybe a year ago.  For some reason I thought this was in England but instead it is in California--I am guessing the turret seemed more English to me maybe.  A well to do family where the son's 2nd wife is beaten up and in a coma in the hospital.  A sort of who done it--the very young 19 year old daughter, married even younger & had a child, her now ex-husband is being figured for this assault but is being hidden by a niece in the turret room.  Ends up the young 19 year old daughter is crazy & did it and the maid was trying to help her cover it up.  A sort of crazy story but turned out to be a fun read anyway.

I have posted it on PBS, it is the only copy so who knows on these older books, it might move at some point.

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