Thursday, July 25, 2024

We Die Alone--#69 finished

 This is an older book that I did get the copy from PBS.  It was book was printed in 1955.  It is a true story of a Norwegian during WWII.  He was fighting against Germany & the Nazis.  He ended up in England and trained for going back to Norway and starting underground units with 3 others.  They took a larger type fishing boat to way northern Norway that had I think 12 sailors and the boat had their equipment--guns, radios, ammo, etc.  They get to the coast of Norway and have some names of people that should help them--they reach out to one that owns a shop in a very small town not knowing the shop owner has changed.  The new owner worried about being setup by Nazis to test his loyalty to them, calls this in.  A German boat comes into harbor where fishing boat was sort of hiding and is sank, everyone but one person is captured or killed.  The one survivor is Jan Baalsrud and he is on the run--it is winter and bitter cold and several storms--wind & snow.  He gets help from several people in the small towns and just an amazing journey and story about how he gets to Sweden and survives and also keeps his limbs which were frostbitten to where he thought he would lose his legs.  This book includes photos of areas and some of the people that helped him.  Also book includes the insight about the terror the Germans had set into the people of this area even if the war never really reached them--they were still terrorized by the Germans.  A really good and interesting read.

This is a keeper for me, no reason go give away or post on PBS.

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