Friday, February 3, 2017

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour--#8 finished

This is a young adult book and well it shows, at least to me.  It was just too young for me to really enjoy.  Amy's father is killed in a car accident when she is driving and her & her mother & brother all handle it very poorly.  I would think at some point in there someone would have suggested therapy at least for Amy & mom, brother is drug addict and does get into rehab.  All that and mom basically hands off teenage daughter to former neighbor's son to drive vehicle across the country.  Mom becomes upset when they don't follow her driving plan.  Roger is neighbor son and he is college guy with girlfriend issues.  Throw in driving across states & eating a different food joints for a nice topic instead of teenage angst.  Nice story but just don't see the reality in most of it, oh well.  It was supposed to be a light entertainment book and I guess it qualifies, just not my cup of tea.

There are plenty of WL for it, in the 30s maybe 40s of them so I will post at some point & send it off.

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