Wednesday, August 24, 2022

One Good Deed--#78 finished

The first book in a new series.  Time is late 1940s & Archer the main character is a WWII vet that just gets out of prison and gets bused to a mid-sized town--guessing in the TX, OK or KS area--grassland and flat.  He is there for parole.  He meets up with some interesting characters and murder ensues.  He is a suspect but the state detective is there and believes in his innocence and has Archer even help with the investigations.  A good story for most part--didn't like ending with courtroom stuff and then traveling out of the country but rest was good. Since I already have book 2 will continue with series anyway.

I got this copy on PBS but since I accidentally got water damage to it, will not be posted. 

A Double Life--#77 finished

 A novel set in England, where a young girl sees a murder that is believed to be by her dad.  Her parents are separated and the girl and younger brother are with their mom & one of her girl friends--she helps take care of the kids.  Dad is aristocrat in England.  A man gets into house & kills the girl friend and tries to kill her mom, everyone believes it to be her dad who with help of rich and high placed friends disappears.  The young girl grows up & becomes a doctor but is always searching for her dad.  Book is about this search and how far she will go to find him.  An okay read, not sure if I buy everything in book but did keep moving at least so that you wanted to know what was next.

It is the only copy in PBS--I posted it already.  Also the paperback edition has WL so figure at some point will get requested.

If I Was Your Girl--#76 finished

The story of a high school trans girl in the South.  Her parents divorced & she lived with her mom in Atlanta area and transitioned to a girl but after getting beaten up, they realized she would have to move.  She moves in with her dad who is still struggling with her changes into a small-town in Tennessee.  She fits in at school with other girls and becomes good friends and sort of dating with a young man with his own home life struggles.  Eventually though it comes out in front of the whole school and she is again beaten up.  Though in end the bad guy is stopped and she returns to school with acceptance.  A good read from a different perspective for most.

There are 3 WL for the book on PBS so I will post & send off at some point. 

Clock Dance--#75 finished

 A nice story about a lady through her life, her struggles at different points and with the main part of the story the now in retirement.  It was enjoyable read overall.  Her being mostly estranged from her 2 boys at end was sad.  Her jumping in and helping an ex-girlfriend of one of her boys & the girlfriend's daughter--not her grandchild really made the book.  You could see she started understanding her life and the new people she was around and she started making some changes.  Changes that might seem a little tough late in life.  A good read overall, first book I have read by author but will look for others now

The book has water damage to it so cannot post to PBS so it will go in my give away pile instead.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Power Ball--#74 finished

 This is a good read about the modern baseball game and how it is played by Rob Neyer.  A really good read about how things have changed and some ideas to improve--some of which have happened.  It was written around a game in Sept 2017 between the Astros and the A's.  Funny thing is he kept talking about how this Astro team was such a great hitting team but book was written before the Astros sign stealing came to light--I had a hard time putting that out of my thoughts as I was reading it.  I wish he could have stapled a chapter at end with his thoughts on that.  Still good look at baseball at that time.  Of course other big thing since then is the pandemic and I guess to a much lesser extent the owners & players getting through a work stoppage and getting a new agreement signed.  A good read about baseball.

There are 5 WL for this book so I will post & mail off at some point.

Californium--#73 finished

 This is a book about a high school freshman that moved from New Jersey to California right before school started for him in the early 1980s.  The whole make new friends and where do you fit in in high school thing.  A good read with a couple twists, also fun to think back to the 1980s.  Punk rock plays a big part in the book as well.  Probably the main reason I got & read the book though is the main family their last name is the same as mine so also a nice twist in the story.

There is 1 copy in system already but I did post this one so now 2.  No idea if will get moved or not.

Black Ice--#72 finished

 This is the newest next in series by Brad Thor of Scot Harvath.  I have been reading the earlier books in this series in catching up fashion but when got this one in figured I would get it read & mailed off too.  Good story with action, in Norway with new series girlfriend when China & Russia get together to screw with US radar on Russian subs.  Scot is there & team comes in too and able to put an end to it.  Well maybe not an end because seems like plenty of open story lines for the next few books yet.

There were 9 WL on this book and is a mass market book so I did go ahead and post & will be mailing off in next day or two.

From Nowhere: My Story--#71 finished

This is English soccer player/star Jamie Vardy's book.  Being still kind of new to the Premier League soccer and everything--watch the games on weekends when I can but other than knowing some player names not too into it.  This was a very good read about how he had to work his way up from bottom rungs of soccer in England to the Leicester City and then to the championship of the PL.  Honest look at himself as well.  I enjoyed this book.

There was 1 WL for it but it timed out so is now on my Bookshelf waiting to be requested.