Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Story of the Outlaw--#58 finished

This was written back in early 1900s and author had some first hand accounts and interviewed others that were there and knew the outlaws.  A Study of the Western Desperado, is the 2nd part of the title.  An interesting read that goes through some of the early murders, gun fighters, etc in the US.  Lots about Billy the Kid and that whole southwest US area--TX, NW, KS & AZ.  It is a different kind of writing from back then to what I am used to today but sort of added to the flavor of the book.  Not a great read for me but was good enough to keep my interest.

The book has a small stain that goes through first dozen pages or so, so cannot post on PBS, I will donate it away somewhere though.

See I had lots of catching up to do for August.

Walla Walla Suite--#57 finished

I guess this is a series book, this is the 2nd book but I didn't read the first.  No problem though & was still a good read.  A lady that is a retired police officer is now a private eye and sort of teams up with a researcher that helps murders with sentencing to try to avoid the death penalty.  A young lady in the office building ends up missing and then found dead.  Suspect arrested and investigation etc, follows & twist at the end of what happens.  Good read for the most part but not enough that I will search out the others in the series at least at this point.

I have posted it on PBS and is the only copy in system.

The Sixth Phase--#56 finished

A detective novel set in New York, trying to track down a serial killer.  Written in both the detective perspective and the killer's perspective so interesting to see both sides of what is going on.  Also kind of see how close finally getting to getting him & then they finally do.  New twist at the end & even though 20 years old, no reason for me to spoil it.  Was a fun quick like read.  This was a mass market paperback that I started & read because I needed one to take with me to different places including outside to have to read at times and it fit the bill.

There are plenty of copies already in the system so this will instead be donated away.  There were 5 copies in the system so decided at this point to just post on PBS & might at some point cull my list & donate at that time.

Revenge of the Paste Eaters--#55 finished

This is the 2nd book by writer Cheryl Peck about her life and growing up.  I enjoyed the first one a little more--read Fat Girls and Lawn Chairs earlier this year--but was still overall fun to read.  Just stories from her life and how she sees things, mostly a funny perspective on life.

There are like 5 copies on PBS so I added this one to the count so 6 in system.  I doubt it goes anywhere soon but you never know.

Dispatches From Pluto--#54 finished

Playing catch up on books read for August.  I finished this one weeks ago but just now logging it in.  True story of a writer & his girlfriend moving into the deep south of Mississippi and trying to understand the absolute poverty and the many issues of race going on down there still.  Just a hard place to understand in many senses but this was certainly an interesting read.

There is 1 WL for the book so I will probably try to post & send the book off in the next few weeks even though don't really seem to need the credits for PBS at this point.  Not many books coming in for me.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Red Green Talks Cars--#53 finished

I enjoyed seeing the Red Green show on PBS for the couple of years it was on here after I had started watching it.  It was pre-DVR times so only saw it when I remembered it so missed plenty of shows but enjoyed it when I watched.  Not sure if the humor from 20 years ago doesn't translate well to today or if it is that it doesn't translate well to a book.  It was a quick read but few laughs.

There is 1 WL for it on PBS & I just posted it so hope to mail it off in the next day or so.

Our Game--#52 finished

This is a John Le Carre novel, a British spy writer.  I have read a couple other things by him & this one had been on the shelf a while & I needed one to carry around outside & have for those times when only have a couple minutes to read.  The book filled that purpose very well.  Entertaining well it was okay.  It jumped from present time--the early 1990s, to past history quite often and it was not a smooth transition.  It sometimes took a few sentences or so before I realized it & had to go back to re-read.  Characters started out interesting but most of it just was mostly hard to follow & seems like few answers.  Oh well, can't enjoy them all.

There are plenty of copies on PBS already like 32 so this one will be donated away instead.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Duel in the Sun--#51 finished

Another book that I finished in July but just logging it in now.  This is about the Boston Marathon race that came down to the very end with Alberto Salazar defeating Dick Beardsley.  It was really the pinnacle race for both but neither one would have known it at the time.  Book did a very good job of explaining both runners and how the led up to the race and also their history after the race.  I had just finished a book about Alberto Salazar so was more familiar with him, I had know idea of Dick Beardsley's history and was shocking to say the least.  Seems like now both have come through their hardships and are back in good places in their lives.  A good read about an interesting race and the two very interesting runners.

I have posted it on PBS, there was no copies in system & no WL but soon after posting it someone has ordered it.  I will be mailing it out tomorrow or this weekend.

Imtimations--#50 finished

This book was finished in July but just now logging it in here.  A short story book by Alexandra Kleeman.  I usually enjoy short stories and at worst I at least find a couple or so that are enjoyable.  This one I really didn't get and didn't enjoy.  Some abstract stuff in most of the stories but really nothing that caught or kept my attention.  Mostly I just sort of pushed through them.  There are 3 sections, I have no idea why and can't or at least didn't pay enough attention to know why the stories are grouped like that.  At the end of the first section was just a basically long & boring story that probably just killed this book for me A Brief History of Weather.  It was reading this that the book became a chore.

I have posted it on PBS & will be mailing it off tomorrow or this weekend.  Hope the next person enjoys it more that I did.