Thursday, August 1, 2019

Imtimations--#50 finished

This book was finished in July but just now logging it in here.  A short story book by Alexandra Kleeman.  I usually enjoy short stories and at worst I at least find a couple or so that are enjoyable.  This one I really didn't get and didn't enjoy.  Some abstract stuff in most of the stories but really nothing that caught or kept my attention.  Mostly I just sort of pushed through them.  There are 3 sections, I have no idea why and can't or at least didn't pay enough attention to know why the stories are grouped like that.  At the end of the first section was just a basically long & boring story that probably just killed this book for me A Brief History of Weather.  It was reading this that the book became a chore.

I have posted it on PBS & will be mailing it off tomorrow or this weekend.  Hope the next person enjoys it more that I did.

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