Monday, September 26, 2022

Rise--#87 finished

 This is an autobiography but a young MMA fighter, Paige VanZant.  It talks about her struggles and rape growing up in high school and how she has fought to rise out of this.  Those are tough chapters to read about her life, the rape affected so much of her life but then she also later had an abusive boyfriend.  Tough for her to get through at such a young age and basically by herself, it took her a long time to open up & talk about these things to anyone.  Really feel sorry for her but seems like in a better place even though I am not a MMA fan--just way too violent to be as big a sport as it is.  

There are 2 WL for this book so I will mail off at some point, no reason to hold onto the book.

The Dean's December--#86 finished

 This is a mass market paperback that was sitting on my shelf for a few years so finally pulled it down and read.  I remember picking it up because the cover noted was by winner of Nobel Prize, I thought for this book but was for something earlier.  It is an older book published in 1982.  It is about a college dean from a Chicago university that is in Budapest Hungry with his wife--his wife's mother is dying.  There are struggles there inside the communist country of them being able to see the mother as well as knowing several people sort of watching/spying on their activities as westerners.  The dean also has problems going  on back in Chicago with his job, his family and controversy over some articles he has written.  I really could not get into this book.  There were long paragraphs and pages describing his feelings and thoughts on ongoing stuff and I was just wanting him to get on with the story.  It was a tough read--I questioned why I bothered reading it several times but wanted to get it done.

There are already copies in PBS system and no reason to add to it.  I will donate this away to a little library I guess at some point.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Irma Voth--#85 finished

 I have read a couple other books by this author Miriam Toews and really like her writing.  This one is also about Mennonites but instead of in Canada, this family moved from Canada to Mexico and the book is all in Mexico with some memories back about time in Canada.  Irma has basically broken from the family and married a local Mexican but to find work he has moved away.  Irma is in one of her family's houses that is down the road by herself when a group moves into a nearby house--renting it while they film a movie.  The movie is about the Mennonites and a sort of family thing there too--Irma helps out as a translator since many Mennonites speak low German and no one on film crew does.  The female lead is brought in from Germany and only speaks German so Irma is needed for this.  While this is going on, Irma's younger sister Aggie leaves home and joins with Irma.  A big confrontation occurs with their dad and he said he is selling Irma's house & wants her out.  Novel takes a turn at this point and does become much more interesting but even this beginning is a good read.  I enjoyed this book.

There are 6 WL for the book in PBS so will mail it out at some point.

Jagger--#84 finished

 A biography of Mick Jagger written in 2011.  Mick did not help or contribute to this book but the author got plenty of people close to him quoted as well as quoting other books and material out there.  An interesting read on the person Mick is--something I don't think anyone will ever get right, Mick is just an interesting and complex person.  I enjoyed the read and some of the interesting times and ideas the band was going through.  

I am keeping this book at least for now, like my Rolling Stones so why not.

Henry and Clara--#83 finished

 An interesting historical fiction novel about the couple that were sitting next to Abraham Lincoln & his wife at Ford Theatre the night he was assassinated.  The couple Henry & Clara were step brother & sister--his mother & her father both remarried to each other after becoming widows months apart.  Henry & Clara were 10 & Clara I think 13 when their parents married so still young enough that basically everyone considered them brother & sister or at least cousin like.  So when their love became known not everyone was happy about this but then Henry enlisted in the Union army and everything put on hold.  Henry was injured and came back changed too from the war while Clara--her dad was a senator and she became close to Mrs Lincoln.  The author based this book off letters and newspaper articles he could find but obviously it is fiction because he had to make up conversations and interactions.  An interesting read.

I have posted it on PBS & it is the only copy in system so will maybe move at some point.  It is an older book, published in 1994.

Fifty Cars that Changed the World--#82 finished

 This is sort of a cheap kind of book for my talley, it is only 107 pages and half of those are the photos of the cars they talked about.  This is a very much European list and more into the design then anything else it seems--no surprising because no author is listed--just Design Museum.  Some interesting cars and write-ups but I was expecting maybe hoping for more.  Oh well still a nice short interesting read.

I will probably mail it off in PBS, I had thought about keeping it but was just not that interesting to me to keep for long term.  I think there are 4 WL for it so will mail at some point.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Adventures in the Anthropocene--#81 finished

 A powerful book about the earth and our time right now.  The author travels the world looking at climate change & issues happening in different areas--atmosphere, mountains, rivers, farmlands, oceans, deserts, savannahs, forests, rocks & cities.  She goes to trouble spots and looks at what is being done and the outlook for immediate future.  She is not a doom and gloom sort--at least I didn't get that--she shows ways in which people are finding ways to cope as best they can and having some success.  Of course problems are in many many areas and the successes seem few and far between but really some interesting things going on out there.  She really gets into some scary scenarios that could be coming down pike--maybe already here.  Book was written in 2014 so I do sort of wonder if people she met with are still having some degree of success and if their ideas have taken root--just don't hear about these things.  This is a book that has really made me think what is really coming in the next many years--water shortages, climate/weather changes, expanding deserts, farmland/food struggles, throw away culture vs diminishing materials--rare earth minerals, etc.  Author does seem to think that humans--us, will find a way to adapt to the changing environment but obviously there were be lives lost and big disruptions but she doesn't really spell that out but the sense of this is there.

I am torn on what to do with this book.  I think it is important enough that more should read it but I am not sure any of my group I share books with would want it.  It is not an easy read--I was on it for over 2 months getting through it.  Might mail off since others on PBS WL I would expect to read it.  Not sure at this point.

Evvie Drake Starts Over--#80 finished

 A nice sort of story, main character's life is sort of apart but not for reason people around her know.  Her best friend sends an old college buddy that has fantastically flamed out of major league baseball to her extra apartment at her house.  She lives in small town Maine, away from most everything he is trying to avoid.  She has issues with her life & her marriage--which ended suddenly when her husband was killed in an accident.  At one point she tells baseball player he should get counseling which he has already done through team--but for some reason she does not see why she needs counseling.  Overall a nice story, of course happy ending and growth in both her & ballplayer.

There are 15 WL for the book so I will get it posted & mailed off at some point.

Kamala's Way--#79 finished

 This book was actually finished at end of August, just now getting it logged in.  I really didn't know much about Kamala Harris even though she is our VP now.  An interesting story & life so far for her.  This book seems to have been written right after she got put on the ticket and before the election happened.  The book just read like it was rushed and made un-even points, not a great read but still has some info on her and surprisingly other names that have come up in the news like John Eastman.  Also sort of leaves you wanting more since such an interesting election and then also the problems in her VP office as reported--would like to know more.  A good intro into Kamala Harris though.

I have posted it on PBS & it is the only copy but doesn't seem like a very popular book so don't know how long will be there.