Thursday, December 24, 2020

Southern Fatality--#105 finished

 A wanted to be retired hot investigator gets pulled in by her boyfriend to help a friend of his.  This friend is married to an uber-rich guy but she finds he is not cheating but bad stuff is going on.  The rich guy's son is kidnapped--step son to the gal that wanted it checked out.  From there story heads off, not a bad story and some decent characters.  Could figure out pretty early on who the bad guys were just a question of how the knew each other and all that.  Not a lot of reality but suspend your thoughts on that and not a bad read.  Looking at this verses the Sue Grafton series and can see just doesn't stand up but I guess this was more action and maybe humor attempts than reality of the story, oh well.

I have posted it on PBS, there was 1 copy in system already so don't know how long or if ever will move.

Playing catchup on logging in the books for Dec.  Might get one or two more done before the end of the year.  Still can't believe I made it to 100+ books read for the year.

Bohemian Girl--#104 finished

 A story set in southern Nebraska that starts before the Civil War, a young girl is lost in a bet by her dad and given to an Indian for a term of 4 years work.  This Indian is a mound builder and has gotten women to do the work of the mound building and works them basically to death and adds their bones to the mound.  At the end of her term, he wasn't going to let her leave but she was able to escape.  Finds a group that was trying to start a small town but after a night there her and another girl and a baby are all that survive--the rest of the people were working in a field when a lightning strike hits & kills them.  The 3 find a fort and eventually heal up some but again have to escape and while out meet up with 2 men that were floating in a ballon.  The find a town but send the girl and the baby ahead to check it out and if possible to leave the baby.  The town is in process of being shot up and seems to be the pro-slavery forces trying to influence the town.  The girl hides in the textile store after seeing the owner shot dead right out front.  As the fight ends people come to the store & she cuts cloth for bandages and burial blankets.  The next day she goes back to the others & they are gone.  She goes back to town and says she was the niece for the textile owner and takes over the business.  Took a while to get to this point but from here I enjoyed the story.  A little bit of the history of NE, throw in a Willa Cather as a youngster reference too and seems a little fun.  It was tough going at first but by the end an enjoyable read.

No copies in PBS system and no WL.  Since a NE book I might keep this one.

The Forgotten History of America--#103 finished

 The rest of the long title is: Little-Known Conflicts of Lasting Importance from the Earliest Colonists to the Eve of the Revolution.  It reads kind of like a text book but maybe not quite that dry either--been a few years since I have read a text book.  Lots of information and history about the battles between the colonists and the Indians and which tribes were friendly & which were not, which sided with the French & which sided with the English.  Basically all Indian tribes were fought against it seems at times but the Indians did get some shots in too.  Just a good reminder that there were people here before the Europeans arrived and that colonizing America was a dirty & messy business.  You can't go back and change history but remembering it is still important.

There are no copies in PBS system & no WL for the book but since has a lot of good information I think I am keeping it at this point, no reason to post it at least yet.

The Last Odyssey--#102 finished

 This is the next in James Rollins Sigma Force series.  I like that he tries to come up with theories or rumors and makes them life like in his books.  This one the Illiad & Odyssey by Homer are really true stories and there is a rich international group that wants to use this knowledge to force an end to the world so an end times and a 2nd coming or whatever comes after for their faith.  Just a little out there.  Throw in beyond ancient mechanical monsters and nuclear water and of course the Greek fire or whatever that is called too.  I read it but mostly disappointed with it.  Hopefully next in series is better.

I will be posting this & sending off, I think there are 17 WL for it but better to get it moving soon, it is a Mass Market paperback.

Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls--#101 finished

This is a David Sedaris collection of writings, mostly very funny and sometimes thought provoking.  I enjoy his books & this one too.  Just his thoughts on everyday happenings are interesting and basically outside of some of the normal.  I finished this book probably 2 weeks ago but just now logging it in so details of what I read are now hazy but memory that I enjoyed it is still there.

I have been keeping the David Sedaris books, even though I might not read again but they might become ones to hand out to friends to enjoy.  Not posting at this time even though I think there are a few WL for it.