Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Last Odyssey--#102 finished

 This is the next in James Rollins Sigma Force series.  I like that he tries to come up with theories or rumors and makes them life like in his books.  This one the Illiad & Odyssey by Homer are really true stories and there is a rich international group that wants to use this knowledge to force an end to the world so an end times and a 2nd coming or whatever comes after for their faith.  Just a little out there.  Throw in beyond ancient mechanical monsters and nuclear water and of course the Greek fire or whatever that is called too.  I read it but mostly disappointed with it.  Hopefully next in series is better.

I will be posting this & sending off, I think there are 17 WL for it but better to get it moving soon, it is a Mass Market paperback.

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