Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Sixth Phase--#56 finished

A detective novel set in New York, trying to track down a serial killer.  Written in both the detective perspective and the killer's perspective so interesting to see both sides of what is going on.  Also kind of see how close finally getting to getting him & then they finally do.  New twist at the end & even though 20 years old, no reason for me to spoil it.  Was a fun quick like read.  This was a mass market paperback that I started & read because I needed one to take with me to different places including outside to have to read at times and it fit the bill.

There are plenty of copies already in the system so this will instead be donated away.  There were 5 copies in the system so decided at this point to just post on PBS & might at some point cull my list & donate at that time.

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