Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Second Life--#61 finished

I really just didn't like this book.  Didn't like the characters and really couldn't get into the whole who did it thing with the murder of her sister.  Julia, the main character, is married but couldn't have kids but adopted her crazy younger sister's son when he was a baby & has basically raised him as her own.  He is aware that Kate, the sister, is his mom, he is like 15 or 16--something like that.  Kate lives in Paris while Julia & family are in London.  Kate is murdered and Julia is stunned and then crazy sensitive to any kind of mention of this.  Also Julia gets online the same dating site that Kate was using.  Julia meets a guy & while investigating has an affair.  Affair goes bad in many was along with Julia's life, etc, etc.  Sorry, just don't like Julia at all so that means I don't like this book.

I will be posting it soon on PBS, I think there was like 44 WL for it.  I will be glad to mail it off & get it out of my house, really has been a while since I disliked a book this much.  I almost stopped reading it several times but just pushed through for some reason and now will be glad when it is gone.

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