Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sad Bastard--#46 finished

I have had this book on my shelf for a bunch of years and never got around to reading it.  I guess there is a book before this one but figured I would read this one now anyway.  It is in Ireland and the main character is a policeman that is on disability, ran into a burning house to make a rescue and instead had to be rescued.  Sounds like a tough old school type but now has his life kind of falling apart around him.  Him & his wife are separated, he is drinking a lot, his son lives with him & he is kind of wasting his life and the police officer has to go to counseling in order to stay in disability.  Well bad things happen & some of it his own doing but he grows through the book.  Not a bad read but probably should have read the first book.  Oh well.

There is 1 WL for this book on PBS, that is why I figured I would read it so I could mail it off.  I have posted it &it is accepting so should be in the mail next week.

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