Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Tulip & the Pope--#16 finished

This non-fiction book, author Deborah Larsen, had joined a convent in 1960 and after 3 years decided to leave just before taking final vows.  She talks about her time in the convent and what it was like and then some of what was going on in the country at the time too.  Since she & her fellow postulates were basically cut off from all news the first couple of years, when was able to find out more, had to be just amazing what was happening then.  A good read to get some insight into what joining a convent was like back then and while I know many changes have occurred since, still a lot of what was going through her mind is the same as today.  Not a normal book for me but I like mixing in some like this too.  Glad I read it.

I have posted it on PBS, there is 1 copy ahead of it and since this book is like 15 years old, I don't think it will be going anywhere any time soon.

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