Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Life We Bury--#41

It started as a college paper, interview someone and write a paper.  Because the main character's home life is a mess & he is a couple hours from his hometown, he goes to a nursing home.  He is introduced to a man with only months to live that is out of prison for the rape & murder of a young teenage girl.  He starts to get the story & also gets evidence folders & boxes for his research and finds out the man is innocent.  His screwed up mom and his younger brother with autism keep popping in and he meets & is now with the girl in the apartment next door.  It is kind of a roller coaster type feel to the book.  I questioned his decision making and of course how everything just fell into place a little too easily.  Also as a full time college student & works full time--well just doesn't seem possible could do all this in a semester.  Overall though a good read that I enjoyed.

I have posted it on PBS, there was a WL for it but I just checked & it was 0 WL but also 0 copies in system.  So mine is the only copy out there in PBS so I would expect it will get requested.

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