This was a book that has been on my shelf for a long time. I just looked on PBS & I got this book in June of 2009, the first year I was signed up on PBS. I think I got it from a 2 or 3 for 1 deal there, I don't think this was a book I would have ordered for a credit alone even back then. It is a mass market paperback but it is a long one at over 600 pages--probably the reason I hadn't read it before. Well since last year I made my goal of 100 books(+) read, this year I have looked for some books like this one to read. I started it before vacation and figured it would be a good one to bring along on vacation and it was. The story is about a super smart behind the scenes guy that finds a way to rig the lottery and he picks winners and gives them enough money & help to keep them very rich while he takes the money and invests in ways that make him super rich. But his is also a very evil man and will kill people when needed without a 2nd thought. The story is about one winner that once she wins she has to go out of the country to get away from troubles--her boyfriend was murdered as a drug dealer & while she didn't do it she is a suspect. Well being super rich wasn't enough--even after telling her she couldn't ever return to the US after 10 years she does so and evil guy not happy & a reporter on this story tracks her down and people start dying. Well of course she had a hired guy at super rich mansion that happened to be a super hero ex CIA guy that saves her & evil guy dies. I really did not like much about this story. I thought the premise was good and started okay but really should have been much better. I know the author has written several books and this is probably just an early book of his--oh well, didn't really like it and invested way too much time in it.
This is going in my give away pile, there are over 20 copies in PBS already so no need to pile on there. Some little library in area will get this and a few other books probably this weekend.