Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ocean State--#34 finished

 I really enjoy this author, Stewart O'Nan, my favorite of his that I have read would be Last Night at the Lobster.  This is the 3rd book of his I have read and all are different but really do a good job of getting inside the characters and their motivations.  This is mostly told from a middle school girl perspective about her older sister in high school and also her mom and her boyfriends. The older sister's boyfriend cheats on her but sister is not ready to give him up and together they get a sort of revenge on the other girl and she ends up dying.  They dispose of the body and eventually the sister & boyfriend arrested and after some time they get plea bargains.  Just a lot going on in a short book but you really seem to get an understanding of these characters.

There are 13 WL for this book so will probably mail off at some point.

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