Friday, November 8, 2024

They Knew--#98 finished

 This is a powerful book that looks at conspiracies in America.  Written during the pandemic but going back to Trump's election--now his first election and looking at what has become.  I have mixed opinions on this book, I don't think all the arguments for some of this corruption are complete enough to make believable.  There is certainly a lot that points to some of her conclusions but to get there you have to believe a lot of people have to have some knowledge of the bad doings and not fighting back against it.  She does look back in American history for some of these linkages and after reading the book on Bechtel it really makes me think there could be something there.  Reading this book makes me want to learn more of what she is thinking--I read her earlier book Views From the Flyover or something like that.  I am not a podcast person but might try to track down the podcast she was doing a few years ago to give it a listen.  Read this during the election time which now the results have made it even scarier.

There are some WL for this one on PBS but this will be a keeper for now.  If for no better reason than author lives in St Louis so like to keep the local author books.

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