Wednesday, October 11, 2017

MARTians--#55 finished

A different sort of book.  The world has kind of gone to hell but not in a zombie or world wide disease kind of way.  The book never really lets you know what is happening to everyone, just a girl that is suddenly graduated out of school years early and the people that she joins up with.  Everyone graduates in order for the government to save money and further reduce taxes.  The girl, Zoe is a lucky one in that she is able to get a job--more of a very low paid internship at a Walmart type place.  She is very much in the have not situation but it sounds like there could be some haves too but they are never really talked about or discussed.  Just the bleak life & future of Zoe and friends.  The book ends with things going to more heck and her and the boy she likes driving off to their future somewhere.  Lots of funny and sometimes seeming too much real things going on in this short book.  A very good read.

There are 2 WL for it and while I really liked it, I don't see it as a keeper.  Will be better off being mailed off to someone else to enjoy.

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