Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Saint Philomena: The Wonder Worker--#53 finished

A book about St Philomena, first written in the 1920s and since reprinted I guess several times.  The book I have was printed in 1993.  This book was written before there were questions about this saint and still during when she was highly venerated because there being several miracles attributed to her. Since the '60s there has been questions about the remains and the stone tiles around her when she was found in the catacombs in Rome.  Because of information on the tiles when she was discovered they believed her to be a virgin martyr.  Her remains were found in 1802 and scholars at the time researched as best they could.  The pope at the time declared her a Saint and some relics were moved to a church in Naples where several miracles occurred as well as other churches in Europe.  The writing is from an earlier time and you can tell but still overall makes a good case for St Philomena.  With there still being some questions about her, there is still a devotion to her as well.  Certainly a Saint to pray to like many many Saints.

This will stay on my keeper shelf, never know if I want to re-visit this at another time.

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