Monday, November 12, 2018

The Balfour Conspiracy--#54 finished

This is an older mass market paperback that I grabbed for a walking around book--take in my car in case have a few minutes to read kind of thing.  It was published in 1981 and was written in late '70s about Palestinian terrorists that steal plutonium being shipped over the ocean and the process of moving it to Germany--then West Germany to blow up Bonn when all the Western leaders are there.  Eventually find out the terrorist leader is actually from Taiwan and want to bring the US against mainland China.  An alright read and I guess an alright type of plot for the times, Carter was President and is mentioned the book too.  Also throw in the IRA helping out the Palestinians too--they didn't know it was plutonium and they were promised machine guns and ammo.  Lots of moving parts here but overall just a kind of ok story.  Really didn't like anyone involved in the whole thing.

There are a few copies in PBS so no reason to add another one since I can't imagine anyone ordering a copy of this book.  I will put it in my give away pile.

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