Friday, December 14, 2018

The Kindness of Strangers--#64 finished

The rest of the title is, Penniless Across America.  The author Mike McIntyre is a journalist that has traveled the world doing stories but wanted to try something different.  He lives in San Francisco and decides to go from there across America without any money.  Basically hitchhiking and depending on help from people along the way.  Some really interesting people and stories, some people and happenings almost seem a little too much to be true but I hope the journalistic ethics of this came through.  I am sure this was eye opening for him in lots of ways and it does come across in the book.  It was a struggle at times and overall surprising with the people he meets and helped him along the way.  Just seems like he really hit some down on the luck people but they were still willing to help out--or at least that type maybe became the type he wrote about and more normal people not much mentioning.  An interesting read.

There was 1 WL for it and I have already posted it & is accepted on PBS.  I hope to mail it out tomorrow with a couple other books, hopefully lines not too long at post office.

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