Monday, December 31, 2018

The Trials--#67 finished

My last finished book for the year, came in at 67 read so a good year.  I was reading out the George W Bush White House where they had a century club--reading 100 or more books in a year, this was in the Ben Sasse book.  Sounds like something to shoot for but don't see how unless really devote more time to reading & another 33 books would be a stretch.

On The Trials, this is the 2nd book in a 3 part series.  I do like this series so far because it is not really sci-fi because to me it seems in the not too far future, rather than way off in future.  Follows a military group with their leader Lt Shelly, that at end of first book, basically arrested a big very rich military industrial CEO/Owner and took her to another country to be tried for war crimes because of a conspiracy in the US that would cover this all up.  The army group had all be arrested and their trial is how the book started, they were found guilty but the president pardoned them but were thrown out of the military.  They are hired as a group by a special ops kind of mercenary group and more missions come off.  Is a good & interesting read, looking forward to the 3rd part.

There are 5 WL for this book so will get it mailed off through PBS sometime soon.

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