Friday, January 4, 2019

The Rooster Bar--#2 finished

The 2nd book of the year is a John Grisham book about law students with a semester to go that decide to stop going to law school and basically go on the run from their student loans all have around 200k or more in loans.  A friend and fellow student goes off his meds and researches the for profit law school they go to and how it is basically a scam--give out huge loans for poor schooling--only about 1/2 of graduating class passes the bar exam to get licensed.  The fellow student ends up committing suicide & that rattles them to basically drop out.  They setup their own practice and do some cash representations but get caught but also get a scam going themselves on a class action suit and end up with a few million that they are able to skip out on.  End of book makes it seem like they will get away with it.  Good quick Grisham read with lawyers or law students in this case playing the starring roles.

I have already posted it on PBS but there were 4 copies ahead of it.  It is a hardback book so might still get moved at some point but with Grisham there get to be so many copies on system not sure if it will move.

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