Saturday, September 21, 2019

Full Court--#62 finished

The rest of the title is The Untold Stories of the St Louis Hawks, the NBA team that was in St Louis from 1955 to 1968.  Good stories about some very good and interesting players.  An owner that loved the game but didn't have the money to really be a more modern owner.  He owned the team when it played in the Quad Cities and then moved to Milwaukee and St Louis.  St Louis was his best run & an NBA Championship and hall of fame players but the league was developing from a small town league to a more big time league.  St Louis gained football during this time and then an expansion hockey team and interesting it mentions how the new teams got concessions and stadium help while the existing team the Hawks didn't.  This seems to play out in St Louis with our sports teams.  Also big is the fact that no local owner stepped up to purchase the team.  With hockey on board and attendance down, maybe people were worried about the investment.  Also have to mention the racism factor, basketball teams were mostly black players & hockey white players and St Louis history in race is not a good story.  Not sure if worse than other major cities but white flight out of the city, later forced busing of schools, run down projects, lack or opportunities for minorities in many jobs, etc, etc, not a good history & St Louis still struggles with some of this.   Now the age old sports question in St Louis is would the city support an NBA team.  I am not sure but would lean on the side of yes.  When SLU basketball is running good, there is good support there.  An NBA team in a league where every visiting team would have star power coming into town, I think people would want to see that.  So long as the local team can be competitive and with good local talent coming out of area, I think it would work.  Too bad we don't seem to be on the radar for it though.  We do have the MLS coming to town though & I am excited.

There was 1 WL for the book on PBS & I have posted it & will be mailing it off later this morning along with the Mariano Rivera book.

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