Sunday, April 26, 2020

Thomas Hart Benton: A Life--#32 finished

A MO artist that, at least in the state, is probably most known for painting the mural at the capital--I think that is where it is.  He is from an early political family in MO and his father was a federal congressman for a few terms.  Thomas in his early years traveled the state with his dad during campaigns and then was in Washington DC while serving.  He grew up in Neosho, MO down in the SW corner of the state.  He had to kind of fight his parents into letting him study art & painting--they wanted him to be a lawyer and continue with the whole politician thing.  He went to Chicago to study & then to Paris & then to NY.  Those were his formative years and was developing his style.  He eventually ended up in Kansas City & taught there for a while & painted but summers were in MA at Martha's Vineyard area.  Book has a lot of information about him and his painting and his style and arguments with other artists.  An interesting life for sure.  Book at times read more like a textbook though so took a while to get through it.

There are 2 WL for it so I will go ahead and post it today & see if I can get it mailed off tomorrow.

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