Monday, September 27, 2021

The Fool's Journey--#67 finished

 A professor in an English department and lots of relationship issues & departmental politics in this book.  At the same time all that is going on the main character is also going through a time to reassess her life and a mystic/tarot card reader helps her out I guess.  I am not really into the whole tarot thing but it does fit with the book--several of the characters need to reexamine their lives I guess and at least the main character is doing so.  It was probably supposed to be much funnier than I found it but was still a good read.

I have posted it back on PBS & it is the only copy so hopefully it will get requested soon.

Near Dark--#66 finished

This is the next in the series with Scot Harvath, this is the followup after he escapes from Russia and he was kidnapped and the people close to him were all killed.  He is starts in a bar in Key West area basically trying to drink his life away when assassins attack but he is saved by a crew of good guys tracking him down.  They let him know a bounty has been placed on his head and he devises a way to track down the killers and find out who is after him. A good quick spy/thriller read.  More to come like all these series are.

There are 24 WL for the book so I will get it posted & moved at some point in next couple months.

Preferred Lies--#65 finished

 The rest of the title is: A Journey into the Heart of Scottish Golf.  The author is more of a writer & adventurer but because of a brain issue and surgery that saved his life, he is not climbing mountains anymore.  He was a golfer in high school or at that age in Scotland--not sure what the schools are exactly called there.  But even as a very good golfer then he basically gave it up for other pursuits.  Now he has taken it back up for exercise and also to write his next book about going to the different courses in Scotland.  Some courses are very rural and isolated with only sparse maintenance and others are the world famous course that people travel to.  I am not much of a golfer but really enjoyed this read.  Interesting life and perspective on things.

I have posted it on PBS & it is the only copy in system so hopefully gets moved at some point.

Good Karma--#64 finished

 A quick easy sort of chic lit book about a couple that retired & moved from New Jersey to Savannah GA. Couple basically had nothing in common anymore & she felt no longer part of a marriage and while husband flirts w/ realtor she eventually finds a widow to be with.  Some sort of zaniness I guess and they get together in the end.  Nothing too much but just light entertainment.

I have posted it on PBS, there were 3 copies already so probably not going anywhere anytime soon.

For Whom the Bell Tolls--#63 finished

 The classic Ernest Hemingway novel about the Spanish Civil War.  It had been many years since I read it and I remembered only parts.  What a good book about the interplay between people and how they picked sides to a degree and also how just sort of thrown at them at this time.  Makes you also realize just how rough & tough war is on people obviously physically but also emotionally.  I real classic, glad I read it again.

This is one that stays on my keeper shelves.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Israel--#62 finished

 The rest of the title is: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn.  Talked about the 1800s Zionist movement and the momentum of Jewish people moving back to Palestine.  Basically as the rest of the title says a concise history of this--Palestine and then Israel once it became it's own country.  Lots of really good information and written in an easy to read way--not really a dry history book but a book where you get a real sense of what was going on and the major players at the time.  I really enjoyed this book.

I had thought about keeping it but realized I wouldn't make time to read a 2nd time and thought it better to hand off to someone else.  There were no WL for the book and it was the only copy in system when I posted it this morning and it has already been requested so I will be mailing it off later in the week.

I Might Regret This--#61 finished

This is by one of the creators of Broad City, I guess on the Comedy Network--this is a show I hadn't heard of before and never seen.  The author Abbi Jacobson, lives in New York City and grew up there but business has also taken her to LA.  She hasn't really seen the rest of the country so she decides to drive from NY to LA.  She decides on a kind of southern route--NY to N Carolina to Memphis and into TX, New Mexico and Arizona before getting to LA.  She knows a few people along the way but doing this by herself has free time to think and I guess jot down some notes.  As a kind of travel book type thing, I picked it up and sort of surprised myself to read it.  I finished it a week ago but don't really remember much about it.  She talked about her show starting on U-Tube I think and getting picked up, talked about her family but otherwise I just don't remember much.  Oh well, what can I say--I guess I didn't dislike it just not really anything I cared about either.

There are 7 WL for the book on PBS so I will mail it off at some point.

The Last Juror--#60 finished

This was one of the John Grisham books that I had for a long time but hadn't gotten around to reading yet. It is a mass market book and since we were planning to go to the outdoor musical & to take to softball practices, I had started it.  Well the musical was cancelled because of covid and I started helping with practices so didn't read much then either but did get it finished up.  It is an older book but was about the 1970s in Mississippi and the main character is a fresh out of college reporter that ends up able to buy the small town newspaper he was working at.  An evil family from the country and one of those kids ends up raping & killing a widow with two young children so get some investigation and trail along with just the main guy learning about the town & area.  Time passes and the bad guy gets out of prison and more murders of the jurors start happening.  A good Grisham book, quick reading page turner.

There are plenty of copies in PBS already so this will be in my donate away pile.