This is a self published book from a local author, it is her memoir. She is young, at least in my eyes for a memoir--I am guessing mid 20s where this was written/published. A lot of good writing and she really opens up about her life and struggles. I really thought her writing about her virginity and then losing it was really something a lot of young girls and even boys should read. Her family struggles with drugs & alcohol really bring a tough reality into her life that makes getting ahead for everyone in her family tough. Her two pregnancies that both ended in miscarriages of a sort are also tough to read. It was encouraging though that even through that she is trying to hold onto a positive attitude in life. Because she is young for writing this memoir, I kind of what to know what has come next. I did google her & she has website to sell this book and another--an anthology she put together and same with her Facebook. Her bigger focus is the help people write & publish their books. I do wish her well in everything.
No copies in PBS system, not surprising on self published. Wasn't sure if going to post or not--not likely gets request but did post it at this point. Not sure how long will keep on the PBS bookshelf though.