Thursday, September 21, 2023

Relentless--#81 finished

 This is the next in the Gray Man series, I think it is book 10.  I haven't seen this movie yet but I think it had come out earlier this year--not sure if was an in theatre movie or just a streaming one.  Remember it being a sort of flop but I think would like it & sorry it was a Gray Man movie not for this book  Now back to this book, the Gray Man has sort of flipped in & out of favor with the US government, he is sort of in a hidden favor now but with changes is out again by end.  Middle Eastern terrorists want to ignite a war between US & Iran so they attack the US Ambassador in Berlin.  Gray Man and his helpers cannot stop it but at least lessen some of the damage & killings.  A good quick action type read.

There are 5 or 6 WL for this book so will probably post fairly soon & get mailed off.

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