A really interesting read about the whole climate change discussion. The author looks at various issues in climate change and comes to different thoughts and conclusions that what is reported in media and other sources. Author is a big proponent of nuclear energy and really shows how this should be used more instead of using other sources of energy--green sources and fossil fuel sources. He talks about how groups are out there with ulterior motives in fighting new nuclear power plants and also wanting to close the existing ones. The numbers he has from deaths from Chernobyl and then the Japanese plant seem much less than what I have heard before. He also talks about things like saving the whales and looks at it as instead innovations in other things like palm oil probably did as much to save whales as protestors. He also looks at 3rd world energy issues and argues they should be able to adopt using coal & other fossil fuels for their energy instead of forcing them to use green energy that is not as consistent or workable for them. The fossil fuels will provide energy for these 3rd world countries to develop their economies which would help overall those countries combat climate change. A lot of interesting and thought provoking ideas in this book.
There are 20 WL for this book on PBS but for now I am keeping it, will see if others want to read it.
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