Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The First Commandment--#89 finished

 This is the 6th book in the Scot Harvath series.  After reading it, I am not sure what the First Commandment actually is--could be don't mess with family--this is what was happening to Scot or could be follow orders from superiors--Scot wasn't doing this.  Oh well, a good action quick read story.  A little goofy in that the assassin wanted to hurt Scot and friends by Biblical plagues.  Sort of the James Bond enemies that come up with some complicated way to kill him instead of just killing him--Austin Powers movies was great about this.  Still for simple action and page turner this was good.  Also can see where Scot is getting to point where working for government might not be best for him--not sure when he jumps to private work but does at some point.  Not sure if next book is when I started up with series but think it was but I think I also have a copy so will probably read it to be sure.

Right now this series is on keeper, at least this early books.  I have mailed off the newer one as I get them read.  Will probably do something with these older ones at some point but I think there are copies in PBS so probably not bother posting them.

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