Monday, February 24, 2025

The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher--#19 finished

This is a book of short stories by an English author Hilary Mantel.  I didn't know anything about the author, this was a 2nd book ordered if I remember right, from PBS.  This is where I am offered a book on my Wish List & I look through other books the member has posted & I picked this one out.  I like finding short story books and this one had an unusual title so there you have it.  Some interesting stories, the Margaret Thatcher one was about a sniper trying to shoot her as she was leaving a hospital after eye surgery.  Since didn't follow English politics much, not sure if a sort of true story or not--the sniper was IRA so that has some truthful feeling to it.  Overall an okay short story book.

I have posted it back on PBS, there is 1 copy ahead of it so might not ever move, will just have to see.  

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