Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Fourth Protocol--#15 finished

This is a Frederick Forsyth book written in the mid 1980s.  Forsyth is one of those writers I enjoyed when I first started reading back in junior high time--Day of the Jackal and Dogs of War were 2 I remember reading and being enthralled.  Also didn't know we had Peacock until around Christmas so watched the first season of Day of the Jackal and really liked it too.  This book is about the inner workings & an investigation about an internal spy in England along with what was going on in USSR to work to cause a major disruption in England and maybe turn them over to far left liberals starting them toward communism.  A very good read and interesting with how things turn on little things.  The details in his books are sometimes amazing to think about--especially in how things are investigated.  Really enjoyed the book.

There are already like 10 copies in PBS so I will not be posting it.  While I enjoyed it, the book is not a keeper for me.  I will look to donate it away.

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