Monday, October 20, 2014

The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells--#63 finished

An interesting concept & story, a woman is treated for depression after her twin brother dies & her longterm boyfriend/companion leaves her.  The treatment is some kind of shock to her & it sends her into herself in different time periods, 1918 & 1941--her current time is 1985.  The same people from 1985 are also there.  There are 3 Gretas that are switching from each period after each treatment.  Kind of slow at first & kind of confusing but generally a good story with some interesting insights into the different lives.  Not anything great for me but a good read overall.

There are over 100 WL for it on PBS so at some point I will post it & mail it off, just in no hurry right now.  My WL has been slow but I have found some books that look interesting & have ordered them so at least I am shuffling some books around.  I have mailed a few off as well.  I am at 6 credits but have 2 that were just mailed & 2 more that I will mail this week so staying right around 10 which is plenty for me.

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