Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hotwire--#56 finished

This was the next in Alex Kava's Maggie O'Dell series and was a good quick read.  Maggie is out in middle NE at the largest man made forest, at least in the US where some teenagers get killed and a few more die after the fact.  While she is sorting this stuff out, her guy friend Platt is trying to figure out food poisoning of school kids and working the government agencies that don't like to play nicely with each other.  I have one more book in this series to go, I mistakenly read the last in series a few months ago out of order.  Then I think Maggie breaks off into the Creed series.

I have been keeping this series but I think I will start posting them.  A good series although a little gory and stuff but not really a keeper.  Author is from NE so that is why I was keeping them but figure time to post them away.

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