Sunday, January 7, 2018

Live Girls--#2 finished

A different sort of book, really kind of strange.  Just weird people in a run down & bad, sad part of town.  Reading the reality of the girl, the main character, she is basically a liar about all details of her life.  She takes about her sister that had an accident & scarred her face at a young age & the sister blames the main character about this.  Sister becomes a recluse and eventually dies young.  Kind of wonder if this girl is really the other sister and then wonder if any of the story is true.  Which kind of lead me to wonder why did I bother reading this.  Not the best book out there, at least for me, I just don't get it.

I have posted it on PBS, it is the only copy in the system so I would think it will move at some point. While I didn't like it, it has an artsy feel to it.

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