Friday, January 19, 2018

The Good Mayor--#4 finished

A romance more than story book it seems.  Had some weird stuff too that just made it confusing.  A good mayor loves his secretary and she is in a tough marriage that has seemed to fall to pieces after their young baby died.  The mayor is wooing her with lunches, etc but never goes beyond that to force the issue.  When he finally realizes that is what she wants he was hours late because she found another guy that was around her husband.  If she had half a brain this would not have happened but then I guess book would not have been published either.  She is then in a terrible relationship but doesn't want to admit she was wrong.  Life with her as secretary & mayor is bad too, seems like can't stand each other.  Boyfriend dies, she turns into a dog so they can escape to land across the sea and she can turn back into a loving wife for the now ex-mayor.  Also weird stuff about the city saint that sees everything & talks in the book.  An Italian family that runs a coffee shop and a locked away stage with imaginary performers that come out a few times.  I don't get it and have spent too long already writing this up for a book that was probably just not worth the time.

I have posted it on PBS & there were already 3 copies in system.  I don't think it will move but will leave on bookshelf for now.

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