Tuesday, October 15, 2019

If You Find Me--#66 finished

A very good read about 2 sisters that their mom took away when separating from the oldest's dad and hid away in a large national forest in a trailer.  Mom is bi-polar and drug addict and would disappear for long stretches and the oldest would have to raise the youngest by herself.  The youngest was a kind of one night stand baby that had only known life in the trailer.  The older daughter lived at home for around 5 or 6 years.  The mom had been gone for over a month--maybe 2 I can't remember and the kids were down to eating beans and running low on those.  They are found by the oldest's father and a social worker and are brought back to live with him and his new wife and step daughter.  The 2 girls had several issues too--mom had whored out the older one to men for money to supply her drug habit.  One of the men had come back on his own when the mom wasn't there and raped the oldest and was about to do the same on the younger when she was around age 5--the older one was able to get up & the man ran.  She tracked him down and shot him dead.  The younger had quit talking at that point.  Obviously the kids had issues & putting them in a home situation and school was good but with bumps.  This is more of a young adult book but I still really enjoyed it.

There are 4 WL for it so I will be posting & mailing it off through PBS at some point.

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