Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wunnerful, Wunnerful!--#65 finished

This is the Autobiography of Lawrence Welk.  I remember watching him on TV growing up, I guess this was repeats but maybe not, it was the 1970s.  I don't remember liking his show very much but with only 1 TV in the house and 3, or maybe 4 channels on a good day, you were kind of at the mercy of what your parents wanted.  An interesting read about his life and how he had to really work and travel to earn a living and how his eventually keeping at it and being in LA at the time when TV was taking off he was able to turn his show in to a TV show that lasted for years.  Sounds like just a really nice guy that was able to turn his love of music into a memorable career.  A really nice read.

This book has a stain on first several pages so cannot post it on PBS.  I will donate it away at some point.

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