Wednesday, July 15, 2020

America By Heart--#61 finished

This is the 2nd book by Sarah Palin, the one that came out after the election they lost.  I think the first one came out during election but if not was very soon after election.  This was soon after she resigned from Governor of Alaska, she barely mentions it in the book though.  I still think she was treated unfairly in many ways and that before really given a change she became a punchline and she was never really able to get beyond that except for the base.  I mostly enjoyed the book, reminded me of a time when I used to like Republicans instead of the now Trump Republicans.  Some of the things like the Tea Party was just getting going & again was mentioned in the book but not a lot since was just starting.  This was a book that had been on my shelf for a while & I am glad I finally got to it.  Just reminded me of a better time for my support of Republicans and maybe the party can get back to that someday.

There are plenty of copies on the system so figure this will go in the give away pile.

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