Saturday, July 18, 2020

Platinum Doll--#63 finished

This is a fictional but tried best author could to make it true as she could about Jean Harlow, a movie actress star in the 1920 & 1930s.  This is just about her life as she was breaking into movies & the beginning of her career.  I had heard the name before but knew nothing about Jean Harlow and this was a very good & interesting story of this part of her life.  The book really ended just as she was becoming a big star but also surprising to me is that she also died very young, she died of kidney failure at age 26.  I have not seen any of her movies but I will have to watch for them on TCM shows some old movies very often, will have to try to catch one sometime.

I will post it & mail off on PBS at some point, I think there are 3 or 4 WL for it so will probably post it soon but have enough credits for now.

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