Friday, October 15, 2021

Inside Out--#70 finished

 This is a memoir by Demi Moore.  One of those books I found at a library sale for a $1.00 and figured should pickup.  I had sort of forgotten much of her career in acting before reading this.  I sort of remember she was part of the Brat Pack because she was in St Elmo's Fire, didn't remember her dating & being engaged to Emilo Estevez.  Remembered her being married to Bruce Willis and soon after that ended dating & marrying Ashton Kutcher.  GI Jane and Ghost being the other big hit movies she was in.  Interesting to read about her struggles in growing up--parents that were a little shady and always moving to stay ahead of trouble.  Really lucky she made it out of there sane enough to live a life.  I didn't know modeling was her way in and she didn't talk much about acting lessons & getting her start, just that modeling got her noticed & kind of went from there.  Book ended with her struggles with her children, now adult or close to it.  I think I have seen recently photos of her & all 3 girls so hopefully all is going well with her now.

There are 35 WL for the book so will get it mailed off at some point.

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